Articles | Volume 384
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Preface: Hydrology of Large River Basins in Africa
Ernest Amoussou
Université de Parakou, Parakou, Bénin
Laboratoire Pierre Pagney: Climate, Water, Ecosystems and Development
(LACEEDE), Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Bénin
FRIEND-Water program, Intergovernmental Hydrological Program, UNESCO/Flow Regimes from International, Experimental and Network Data, Paris, France
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK
Gil Mahe
FRIEND-Water program, Intergovernmental Hydrological Program, UNESCO/Flow Regimes from International, Experimental and Network Data, Paris, France
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK
HSM, Université Montpellier, IRD, CNRS, IMT, Case MSE, 163 rue
Auguste Broussonnet, 34090, Montpellier, France
Oula Amrouni
FRIEND-Water program, Intergovernmental Hydrological Program, UNESCO/Flow Regimes from International, Experimental and Network Data, Paris, France
Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer,
Salammbô, Université de Carthage, Tunis, Tunisie
Ansoumana Bodian
Laboratoire Leïdi “Dynamique des territoires et
développement”, Université Gaston Berger (UGB), BP 234-Saint-Louis,
Christophe Cudennec
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK
UMR SAS, Institut Agro, INRAE, Rennes, France
Stephan Dietrich
FRIEND-Water program, Intergovernmental Hydrological Program, UNESCO/Flow Regimes from International, Experimental and Network Data, Paris, France
International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change, Federal
Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany
Domiho Japhet Kodja
Laboratoire Pierre Pagney: Climate, Water, Ecosystems and Development
(LACEEDE), Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Bénin
Expédit Wilfrid Vissin
Laboratoire Pierre Pagney: Climate, Water, Ecosystems and Development
(LACEEDE), Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Bénin
Related authors
Christophe Cudennec, Ernest Amoussou, Yonca Cavus, Pedro L. B. Chaffe, Svenja Fischer, Salvatore Grimaldi, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, Mohammad Merheb, Maria-Jose Polo, Eric Servat, and Elena Volpi
Proc. IAHS, 385, 501–511,,, 2025
Yetchékpo Patrick Gbohoui, Roland Yonaba, Tazen Fowé, Bernadin Elégbédé Manou, Taofic Bacharou, Yvon-Carmen Hountondji, Ernest Amoussou, Luc O. Sintondji, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Harouna Karambiri, and Hamma Yacouba
Proc. IAHS, 385, 435–441,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Runoff simulation is complex in poorly gauged and data-scarce hydrosystems of the West African Sahel. The results of this study showed that multi-sites calibration without nested sub-catchments is the best modelling scheme for capturing the hydrological response of the Sahelian catchments. This approach could therefore be applied to obtain regionalized parameter values for the West African Sahel region from small catchments distributed across all climatic zones.
Rodric Mérimé Nonki, Ernest Amoussou, Raphael Muamba Tshimanga, Djan'na Koubodana Houteta, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Franck Eitel Kemgang Ghomsi, and André Lenouo
Proc. IAHS, 385, 319–326,,, 2024
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Short summary
This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using multiple rainfall-runoff hydrologic models Génie Rural à 4, 5, 6 paramètres Journalier (GR4J, GR5J, and GR6J) in the Upper Benue River (UBR) in Northern Cameroon. By using the Michel's calibration algorithm, we found that the composite criterion is the most sustainable objective function for model optimization. An honest evaluation empirically proves that the GR6J model performs better than the other two models follow by GR5J.
Domiho Japhet Kodja, Gandomè Mayeul Leger Davy Quenum, Houteta Djan'na Koubodana, Ernest Amoussou, Isaiah Sewanu Akoteyon, Arsène Sègla Josué Akognongbé, Mahougnon Fidèle Ahéhéhinnou Yêdo, Gil Mahé, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Expédit Wilfrid Vissin, and Constant Houndénou
Proc. IAHS, 385, 359–364,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The results showed that there is an variability in the spatial distribution of extreme indices with an upward and downward trend of dry and wet rainfall periods in West Africa in both historical and projected periods. Thus, the results revealed that the spatio- temporal variability of extreme rainfall can have repercussions on the hydrological functioning of watersheds, water availability and water-dependent activities.
Koffi Claude Alain Kouadio, Siélé Silué, Ernest Amoussou, Kouakou Lazare Kouassi, Arona Diedhiou, Talnan Jean Honoré Coulibaly, Salomon Obahoundjé, Sacré Regis Didi, and Houebagnon Saint Jean Coulibaly
Proc. IAHS, 385, 39–45,,, 2024
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Hydropower (HP) is the 2nd source of energy in Côte d'Ivoire. However water resource for HP is threatened by climate change (CC). Therefore the hydro potential and production are impacted. This study investigates the impacts of future CC in the White Bandama watershed using hydrological modelling coupled with GIS analysis. It emerges that in the future an upward trend in flows will be recorded. This could contribute to the siltation of dams and an increase in the risk of flooding in the basin.
Ernest Amoussou, Félix Toundé Amoussou, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Henri Sourou Totin Vodounon, Constant Houndénou, Valérie Borrell Estupina, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Christophe Cudennec, and Michel Boko
Proc. IAHS, 385, 141–146,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The objective is to assess the causes of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin using the HEC-RAS model. The results of the calculation made it possible to characterize: the losses and damage due to human settlement on the banks and agricultural production in the flood zone, the flooded extent and the height of submersion depend on the return period, most of the Flood waters converge towards the west of the basin (low risk) and towards the east around the Damè-Wogon depression (high risk).
Jean Hounkpè, Djigbo F. Badou, Aymar Y. Bossa, Yacouba Yira, Julien Adounkpè, Eric A. Alamou, Emmanuel A. Lawin, Luc O. C. Sintondji, Abel A. Afouda, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 219–224,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Floods are natural disasters that widely affect people, goods, and ecosystems. Some efforts have been made in predicting floods at a short-term range. However, the usefulness of flood prediction increases as the time lead increases. This work investigated covariates useful for flood prediction several months ahead. Very good relationships were found between flood discharge and some climate indexes which could serve as a basis for seasonal flood forecasting in West Africa.
Yacouba Yira, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Ernest Amoussou, Djigbo Félicien Badou, Jean Hounkpè, and Kpade Ozias Laurentin Hounkpatin
Proc. IAHS, 384, 275–281,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
This study addresses the importance of integrating the effect of land use on soil infiltration rate into land use change impact modeling. Based on field measurements; soil parameterization is computed in a hydrological model using a refined soil map integrating land use change impact of soil infiltration rate and a classic soil map not considering this interaction. The results show that integrating land use related effects on soil properties renders LULC change scenarios more plausible.
Gil Mahé, Gamal Abdo, Ernest Amoussou, Telesphore Brou, Stephan Dietrich, Ahmed El Tayeb, Henny van Lanen, Mohamed Meddi, Anil Mishra, Didier Orange, Thi Phuong Quynh Le, Raphael Tshimanga, Patrick Valimba, Santiago Yepez, Andrew Ogilvie, and Oula Amrouni
Proc. IAHS, 384, 5–18,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The FRIEND-Water program (FWP) is the oldest and the most transverse program within the UNESCO IHP. It allows large communities of hydrologists to collaborate across borders on common shared data and scientific topics, addressed through 8 large world regions. Research priorities evolve according to the projections given by the member States during the IHP councils. FWP further activities follow the IHP IX program with the support of the Montpellier UNESCO Category II Center ICIREWAD.
Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 247–253,,, 2021
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Short summary
The objective of this article is to assess recent trends of hydroclimatic quantities in Ogooue basin in the context of climate change. For this, the rainfall and discharges data of this basin were analyzed using the Pettitt test. The results of this study reveal a statistically significant decrease in runoff that the Pettitt test situates in 1972–73, but nothing like that for rainfall at this same time scale.
Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 261–267,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
La sécheresse observée en Afrique tropicale vers la fin des années 1960, a également affecté le bassin de la Bénoué en Afrique centrale, avec une persistance remarquable qui s’est répercutée sur les écoulements. Les ruptures à la baisse ont été mises en évidence dans les séries hydropluviométriques de ce bassin au pas de temps annuel en 1970–71 (pluies) et 1971–72 (débits). Les déficits associés à cette rupture sont de −2,9 % pour les pluies et −14,2 % pour les débits.
Eliézer Iboukoun Biao, Ezéchiel Obada, Eric Adéchina Alamou, Josué Esdras Zandagba, Amédée Chabi, Ernest Amoussou, Julien Adounkpe, and Abel Afouda
Proc. IAHS, 384, 57–62,,, 2021
Lamboni Batablinlè, Lawin E. Agnidé, Kodja Domiho Japhet, Amoussou Ernest, and Vissin Expédit
Proc. IAHS, 384, 283–288,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The impact of climate change on precipitation and water availability is of major concern for policy makers in the Mono Basin of West Africa, whose economy mainly depends on rainfed agriculture and hydropower generation. The objective of this study is to project rainfall, flows and evapotranspiration (ET) in the future period and understand their changes across Mono River Basin.
Salomon Obahoundje, Ernest Amoussou, Marc Youan Ta, Lazare Kouakou Kouassi, and Arona Diedhiou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 343–347,,, 2021
Houteta Djan'na Koubodana, Kossi Atchonouglo, Julien G. Adounkpe, Ernest Amoussou, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Dambré Koungbanane, Koba Yaovi Afoudji, Yao Lombo, and Kossi E. Kpemoua
Proc. IAHS, 384, 63–68,,, 2021
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This study aims to assess simulated surface runoff before and after dam construction in the Mono catchment (West Africa) using two lumped models: GR4J (Rural Engineering with 4 Daily Parameters) and IHACRES (Identification of unit Hydrographs and Component flows from Rainfall, Evapotranspiration and Stream data) over two different periods (1964–1986 and 1988–2010). Daily rainfall, mean temperature, evapotranspiration and discharge in situ data were collected for the period 1964–2010.
Rodric M. Nonki, André Lenouo, Clément Tchawoua, Christopher J. Lennard, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 337–342,,, 2021
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This study aims to assess the potential impacts of climate change on hydropower potential of the Lagdo dam. The results reveal that under global warming, the hydropower potential of the dam will decrease which is the result of the reduced precipitation and increase of PET, thus decrease in streamflow in the basin. This result will be take into account for future development planning in the basin.
Coffi Justin Noumon, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Ernest Amoussou, Luc O. Sintondji, Daouda Mama, and Euloge K. Agbossou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 99–105,,, 2021
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Le comblement et l’eutrophisation des retenues d’eau constituent des contraintes majeures pour les usages qu’en font les populations riveraines. L’étude bathymétrique a révélé une diminution moyenne de 0,116 m/an. Ce comblement s’explique par l’érosion, la dégradation du couvert végétal et le surpâturage. Les mesures directes de la qualité physique : le pH, la température et l’oxygène dissous ont permis d’évaluer le risque d’eutrophisation. Les eaux sont dans un état eutrophe.
Yves Tramblay, Nathalie Rouché, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Jean-François Boyer, Ernest Amoussou, Ansoumana Bodian, Honoré Dacosta, Hamouda Dakhlaoui, Alain Dezetter, Denis Hughes, Lahoucine Hanich, Christophe Peugeot, Raphael Tshimanga, and Patrick Lachassagne
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1547–1560,,, 2021
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This dataset provides a set of hydrometric indices for about 1500 stations across Africa with daily discharge data. These indices represent mean flow characteristics and extremes (low flows and floods), allowing us to study the long-term evolution of hydrology in Africa and support the modeling efforts that aim at reducing the vulnerability of African countries to hydro-climatic variability.
Domiho Japhet Kodja, Arsène J. Sègla Akognongbé, Ernest Amoussou, Gil Mahé, E. Wilfrid Vissin, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, and Constant Houndénou
Proc. IAHS, 383, 163–169,,, 2020
Ernest Amoussou, Henri S. Totin Vodounon, Expédit W. Vissin, Gil Mahé, and Marc Lucien Oyédé
Proc. IAHS, 377, 91–96,,, 2018
Laurent Pascal Malang Diémé, Christophe Bouvier, Ansoumana Bodian, and Alpha Sidibé
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1095–1112,,, 2025
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We propose a decision support tool that detect the occurrence of flooding by drainage overflow, with sufficiently short calculation times. The simulations are based on a drainage topology on 5 m grids, incorporating changes to surface flows induced by urbanization. The method can be used for flood mapping in project mode and in real time. It applies to the present situation as well as to any scenario involving climate change or urban growth.
Serigne Bassirou Diop, Job Ekolu, Yves Tramblay, Bastien Dieppois, Stefania Grimaldi, Ansoumana Bodian, Juliette Blanchet, Ponnambalam Rameshwaran, Peter Salamon, and Benjamin Sultan
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS).
Short summary
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West Africa is very vulnerable to rivers floods. Current flood hazards are poorly understood due to limited data. This study is filling this knowledge gap using recent databases and two regional hydrological models to analyze changes in flood risk under two climate scenarios. Results show that most areas will see more frequent and severe floods, with some increasing by over 45 %. These findings stress the urgent need for climate-resilient strategies to protect communities and infrastructure.
Christophe Cudennec, Ernest Amoussou, Yonca Cavus, Pedro L. B. Chaffe, Svenja Fischer, Salvatore Grimaldi, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, Mohammad Merheb, Maria-Jose Polo, Eric Servat, and Elena Volpi
Proc. IAHS, 385, 501–511,,, 2025
Christophe Cudennec
Proc. IAHS, 385, 499–500,,, 2025
Toshio Koike, Shinji Egashira, Miho Ohara, Abdul Wahid Mohamed Rasmy, Tomoki Ushiyama, Mamoru Miyamoto, Daisuke Harada, Kensuke Naito, Christophe Cudennec, and Svenja Fischer
Proc. IAHS, 386, 353–354,,, 2025
Ansoumana Bodian, Papa Malick Ndiaye, Serigne Bassirou Diop, Lamine Diop, Alain Dezetter, Andrew Ogilvie, and Koffi Djaman
Proc. IAHS, 385, 415–421,,, 2024
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Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is an essential parameter for hydrological modeling, irrigation planning and for studying the impacts of climate change on water resources. This work evaluate 20 alternative methods of estimating ET0 in order to adapt them to the climatic context of the 3 mains basins of Senegal where very little climate data is available. The methods of Valiantzas 1, Doorenboss & Pruitt and Penman are the most robust for the estimation of ET0 in this context.
Yetchékpo Patrick Gbohoui, Roland Yonaba, Tazen Fowé, Bernadin Elégbédé Manou, Taofic Bacharou, Yvon-Carmen Hountondji, Ernest Amoussou, Luc O. Sintondji, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Harouna Karambiri, and Hamma Yacouba
Proc. IAHS, 385, 435–441,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Runoff simulation is complex in poorly gauged and data-scarce hydrosystems of the West African Sahel. The results of this study showed that multi-sites calibration without nested sub-catchments is the best modelling scheme for capturing the hydrological response of the Sahelian catchments. This approach could therefore be applied to obtain regionalized parameter values for the West African Sahel region from small catchments distributed across all climatic zones.
Mahougnon Fidèle Ahéhéhinnou Yêdo, Ernest Amoussou, Djidjoho Mathieu Maurice Ahouansou, Domiho Japhet Kodja, and Sourou Henri Totin Vodounon
Proc. IAHS, 385, 449–455,,, 2024
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La lagune Gbaga est constituée d'écosystèmes très fragiles et toutes les espèces qui s'y trouvent sont menacées et en voie de disparition. La méthodologie repose sur la collecte et le traitement de données hydrométriques et granulométriques, complétées par des mesures in situ et des analyses en laboratoire basées sur des échantillons des différentes espèces capturées au cours des différentes saisons hydrologiques.
Abderraouf Hzami, Oula Amrouni, Essam Heggy, Gil Mahé, and Hechmi Missaoui
Proc. IAHS, 385, 377–385,,, 2024
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Natural and anthropogenic causes of coastal environmental change are significantly linked to the sediment dynamics of the coastal lagoon on the North African coast, through both the variability of continental input and the coastal marine geomorphology. Temporal analysis of the aerial and orbital photogrammetry suggests that ~ 70 % of the Ghar El Melh coast.
Marc Auriol Amalaman, Gil Mahé, Béh Ibrahim Diomande, Armand Zamblé Tra Bi, Nathalie Rouché, Zeineddine Nouaceur, and Benoit Laignel
Proc. IAHS, 385, 365–370,,, 2024
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L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les liens entre les indices climatiques et la variabilité des séries de précipitations et de débits. La méthode a consisté à rechercher les changements survenus dans ces données à travers la variabilité du signal. Ainsi, au niveau de l’analyse interannuelle et saisonnière, le signal indique une forte oscillation marquée par une prédominance de la couleur rouge. L’utilisation de l’indice ENSO montre que le phénomène El-Niño impacte le débit et la pluie.
Rodric Mérimé Nonki, Ernest Amoussou, Raphael Muamba Tshimanga, Djan'na Koubodana Houteta, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Franck Eitel Kemgang Ghomsi, and André Lenouo
Proc. IAHS, 385, 319–326,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using multiple rainfall-runoff hydrologic models Génie Rural à 4, 5, 6 paramètres Journalier (GR4J, GR5J, and GR6J) in the Upper Benue River (UBR) in Northern Cameroon. By using the Michel's calibration algorithm, we found that the composite criterion is the most sustainable objective function for model optimization. An honest evaluation empirically proves that the GR6J model performs better than the other two models follow by GR5J.
Domiho Japhet Kodja, Gandomè Mayeul Leger Davy Quenum, Houteta Djan'na Koubodana, Ernest Amoussou, Isaiah Sewanu Akoteyon, Arsène Sègla Josué Akognongbé, Mahougnon Fidèle Ahéhéhinnou Yêdo, Gil Mahé, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Expédit Wilfrid Vissin, and Constant Houndénou
Proc. IAHS, 385, 359–364,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The results showed that there is an variability in the spatial distribution of extreme indices with an upward and downward trend of dry and wet rainfall periods in West Africa in both historical and projected periods. Thus, the results revealed that the spatio- temporal variability of extreme rainfall can have repercussions on the hydrological functioning of watersheds, water availability and water-dependent activities.
Papa Malick Ndiaye, Ansoumana Bodian, Serigne Bassirou Diop, Lamine Diop, Alain Dezetter, Andrew Ogilvie, and Koffi Djaman
Proc. IAHS, 385, 305–311,,, 2024
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The analyze of the trends of ET0 at the scale of the Senegal, Gambia and Casamance river basins using reanalyze data of NASA/POWER over 1984–2019 shows that ET0 increases significantly in 32% of the Senegal basin and decreases in less than 1% of it. In the Casamance and Gambia basins, the annual ET0 drops by 65% and 18%, respectively. Temperature and relative humidity show an increasing trend over all basins while wind speed and radiation decrease, confirming the so-called "evaporation paradox".
Koffi Claude Alain Kouadio, Siélé Silué, Ernest Amoussou, Kouakou Lazare Kouassi, Arona Diedhiou, Talnan Jean Honoré Coulibaly, Salomon Obahoundjé, Sacré Regis Didi, and Houebagnon Saint Jean Coulibaly
Proc. IAHS, 385, 39–45,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Hydropower (HP) is the 2nd source of energy in Côte d'Ivoire. However water resource for HP is threatened by climate change (CC). Therefore the hydro potential and production are impacted. This study investigates the impacts of future CC in the White Bandama watershed using hydrological modelling coupled with GIS analysis. It emerges that in the future an upward trend in flows will be recorded. This could contribute to the siltation of dams and an increase in the risk of flooding in the basin.
Laurent Pascal Diémé, Christophe Bouvier, Ansoumana Bodian, and Alpha Sidibé
Proc. IAHS, 385, 175–180,,, 2024
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This study aims at proposing a modelling of flows and overflows of structures at fine resolution (5 m) for rainfall intensities of different return periods. The overflow points of the network are identified by the difference between the maximum flow and the capacity of the network to evacuate floods. The results of the simulations show that the drainage network appears to be overflowing for rare frequency rainfall events (100 years). The method seems adaptable to different contexts.
Golab Moussa Omar, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Christian Salles, Gil Mahé, Mohamed Jalludin, Frédéric Satgé, Mohamed Ismail Nour, and Abdillahi Hassan Hersi
Proc. IAHS, 385, 59–64,,, 2024
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The Republic of Djibouti is a small country in the Horn of Africa and as with most regions of Africa, rain gauges are sparse. This study aims to compare at different time steps (annual, monthly, and daily) 15 rainfall estimation products (P-datasets) to 5 reference ground-based rainfall stations, over the period of 1980–1990. To classify the reliability of these products, several metrics were considered, the Kling Gupta Efficiency (KGE) and the Heidle Skills Scores (HSS at daily time step).
Ernest Amoussou, Félix Toundé Amoussou, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Henri Sourou Totin Vodounon, Constant Houndénou, Valérie Borrell Estupina, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Christophe Cudennec, and Michel Boko
Proc. IAHS, 385, 141–146,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
The objective is to assess the causes of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin using the HEC-RAS model. The results of the calculation made it possible to characterize: the losses and damage due to human settlement on the banks and agricultural production in the flood zone, the flooded extent and the height of submersion depend on the return period, most of the Flood waters converge towards the west of the basin (low risk) and towards the east around the Damè-Wogon depression (high risk).
Tom Loree, Hervé Squividant, Josette Launay, Alban de Lavenne, and Christophe Cudennec
Proc. IAHS, 385, 85–89,,, 2024
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A scientific model to simulate river discharges in un-measured locations is made available via a service on the web for end-users. It is shown how this allows an increasing uptake by non-modelers, for the benefit of hydrological assessments and management.
Mohammad Merheb, Christophe Cudennec, and Fernando Nardi
Proc. IAHS, 385, 91–96,,, 2024
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Fair and safe allocation of natural resources for the Euro-Mediterranean area, especially for semi-arid regions, strongly relies on the adoption of WEFE (Water Energy Food Ecosystem) Nexus strategies. Transitioning to WEFE Nexus requires novel quantifiable assessment for interlinked analysis of the four WEFE sectors. Several indicator-based tools exist for agricultural sustainability at the farm scale. This contribution investigates on the application of IDEA method for WEFE Nexus approaches.
Rajae El Aoula, Gil Mahé, Nadia Mhammdi, Abdellatif Ezzahouani, Ilias Kacimi, and Kenza Khomsi
Proc. IAHS, 384, 163–168,,, 2021
Jean Hounkpè, Djigbo F. Badou, Aymar Y. Bossa, Yacouba Yira, Julien Adounkpè, Eric A. Alamou, Emmanuel A. Lawin, Luc O. C. Sintondji, Abel A. Afouda, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 219–224,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Floods are natural disasters that widely affect people, goods, and ecosystems. Some efforts have been made in predicting floods at a short-term range. However, the usefulness of flood prediction increases as the time lead increases. This work investigated covariates useful for flood prediction several months ahead. Very good relationships were found between flood discharge and some climate indexes which could serve as a basis for seasonal flood forecasting in West Africa.
Yacouba Yira, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Ernest Amoussou, Djigbo Félicien Badou, Jean Hounkpè, and Kpade Ozias Laurentin Hounkpatin
Proc. IAHS, 384, 275–281,,, 2021
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Short summary
This study addresses the importance of integrating the effect of land use on soil infiltration rate into land use change impact modeling. Based on field measurements; soil parameterization is computed in a hydrological model using a refined soil map integrating land use change impact of soil infiltration rate and a classic soil map not considering this interaction. The results show that integrating land use related effects on soil properties renders LULC change scenarios more plausible.
Oula Amrouni and Gil Mahé
Proc. IAHS, 384, 133–139,,, 2021
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Our multidisciplinary study reveals an alarming trend of beach retreat reaching −20 m ± 0.15 m yr−1 after the human-induced change over the hydrological network where ~ 50 % of sediment discharge has been trapped upstream the dams. Accros the semi arid north African coasts, the rapid shoreline retreat is due to the decreasing of sediment fluvial discharge trapped by the dam infrastrcture.
Gil Mahé, Gamal Abdo, Ernest Amoussou, Telesphore Brou, Stephan Dietrich, Ahmed El Tayeb, Henny van Lanen, Mohamed Meddi, Anil Mishra, Didier Orange, Thi Phuong Quynh Le, Raphael Tshimanga, Patrick Valimba, Santiago Yepez, Andrew Ogilvie, and Oula Amrouni
Proc. IAHS, 384, 5–18,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The FRIEND-Water program (FWP) is the oldest and the most transverse program within the UNESCO IHP. It allows large communities of hydrologists to collaborate across borders on common shared data and scientific topics, addressed through 8 large world regions. Research priorities evolve according to the projections given by the member States during the IHP councils. FWP further activities follow the IHP IX program with the support of the Montpellier UNESCO Category II Center ICIREWAD.
Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 247–253,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The objective of this article is to assess recent trends of hydroclimatic quantities in Ogooue basin in the context of climate change. For this, the rainfall and discharges data of this basin were analyzed using the Pettitt test. The results of this study reveal a statistically significant decrease in runoff that the Pettitt test situates in 1972–73, but nothing like that for rainfall at this same time scale.
Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 261–267,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
La sécheresse observée en Afrique tropicale vers la fin des années 1960, a également affecté le bassin de la Bénoué en Afrique centrale, avec une persistance remarquable qui s’est répercutée sur les écoulements. Les ruptures à la baisse ont été mises en évidence dans les séries hydropluviométriques de ce bassin au pas de temps annuel en 1970–71 (pluies) et 1971–72 (débits). Les déficits associés à cette rupture sont de −2,9 % pour les pluies et −14,2 % pour les débits.
Eliézer Iboukoun Biao, Ezéchiel Obada, Eric Adéchina Alamou, Josué Esdras Zandagba, Amédée Chabi, Ernest Amoussou, Julien Adounkpe, and Abel Afouda
Proc. IAHS, 384, 57–62,,, 2021
Lamboni Batablinlè, Lawin E. Agnidé, Kodja Domiho Japhet, Amoussou Ernest, and Vissin Expédit
Proc. IAHS, 384, 283–288,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The impact of climate change on precipitation and water availability is of major concern for policy makers in the Mono Basin of West Africa, whose economy mainly depends on rainfed agriculture and hydropower generation. The objective of this study is to project rainfall, flows and evapotranspiration (ET) in the future period and understand their changes across Mono River Basin.
Salomon Obahoundje, Ernest Amoussou, Marc Youan Ta, Lazare Kouakou Kouassi, and Arona Diedhiou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 343–347,,, 2021
Sakaros Bogning, Frédéric Frappart, Gil Mahé, Adrien Paris, Raphael Onguene, Fabien Blarel, Fernando Niño, Jacques Etame, and Jean-Jacques Braun
Proc. IAHS, 384, 181–186,,, 2021
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Short summary
This paper investigates links between rainfall variability in the Ogooué River Basin (ORB) and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean. Recent hydroclimatology studies of the ORB and surrounding areas resulting in contrasting conclusions about links between rainfall variability and ENSO. Then, this work uses cross-wavelet and wavelet coherence analysis to highlight significant links between ENSO and rainfall in the ORB.
Pierre Ouassa, Gervais Assaï Akanni Atchadé, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Fernand Ringo Avahounlin, and Expédit Wilfrid Vissin
Proc. IAHS, 384, 319–324,,, 2021
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Short summary
Cet article permet de mettre en évidence, les différentes pratiques endogènes qu'utilisent les producteurs pour mieux s'adapter aux inondations et sécheresses en générale et particulièrement ceux du bassins béninois de la Pendjari. Ainsi, les résultats de cet travail, permet d'accompagner les producteurs agricoles vers une résilience durable face aux effets des risques climatiques. Le bassin béninois de la Pendjari a été choisi, du faite que cet bassin est sujet à l'insécurité alimentaire.
Houteta Djan'na Koubodana, Kossi Atchonouglo, Julien G. Adounkpe, Ernest Amoussou, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Dambré Koungbanane, Koba Yaovi Afoudji, Yao Lombo, and Kossi E. Kpemoua
Proc. IAHS, 384, 63–68,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
This study aims to assess simulated surface runoff before and after dam construction in the Mono catchment (West Africa) using two lumped models: GR4J (Rural Engineering with 4 Daily Parameters) and IHACRES (Identification of unit Hydrographs and Component flows from Rainfall, Evapotranspiration and Stream data) over two different periods (1964–1986 and 1988–2010). Daily rainfall, mean temperature, evapotranspiration and discharge in situ data were collected for the period 1964–2010.
Golab Moussa Omar, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Christian Salles, Gil Mahé, and Mohamed Jalludin
Proc. IAHS, 384, 225–231,,, 2021
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Short summary
Le district de Djibouti est situé dans le bassin versant de l’Oued Ambouli qui par sa nappe aquifère procure la source principale d’alimentation en eau potable de la ville de Djibouti, mais est aussi à l’origine de crues rares et brèves avec de lourds bilans humains et économiques Le développement du district se traduit par une expansion urbaine et un développement des activités qui accentuent le risque inondation.
Rodric M. Nonki, André Lenouo, Clément Tchawoua, Christopher J. Lennard, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 337–342,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
This study aims to assess the potential impacts of climate change on hydropower potential of the Lagdo dam. The results reveal that under global warming, the hydropower potential of the dam will decrease which is the result of the reduced precipitation and increase of PET, thus decrease in streamflow in the basin. This result will be take into account for future development planning in the basin.
Coffi Justin Noumon, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Ernest Amoussou, Luc O. Sintondji, Daouda Mama, and Euloge K. Agbossou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 99–105,,, 2021
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Short summary
Le comblement et l’eutrophisation des retenues d’eau constituent des contraintes majeures pour les usages qu’en font les populations riveraines. L’étude bathymétrique a révélé une diminution moyenne de 0,116 m/an. Ce comblement s’explique par l’érosion, la dégradation du couvert végétal et le surpâturage. Les mesures directes de la qualité physique : le pH, la température et l’oxygène dissous ont permis d’évaluer le risque d’eutrophisation. Les eaux sont dans un état eutrophe.
Wouter Dorigo, Irene Himmelbauer, Daniel Aberer, Lukas Schremmer, Ivana Petrakovic, Luca Zappa, Wolfgang Preimesberger, Angelika Xaver, Frank Annor, Jonas Ardö, Dennis Baldocchi, Marco Bitelli, Günter Blöschl, Heye Bogena, Luca Brocca, Jean-Christophe Calvet, J. Julio Camarero, Giorgio Capello, Minha Choi, Michael C. Cosh, Nick van de Giesen, Istvan Hajdu, Jaakko Ikonen, Karsten H. Jensen, Kasturi Devi Kanniah, Ileen de Kat, Gottfried Kirchengast, Pankaj Kumar Rai, Jenni Kyrouac, Kristine Larson, Suxia Liu, Alexander Loew, Mahta Moghaddam, José Martínez Fernández, Cristian Mattar Bader, Renato Morbidelli, Jan P. Musial, Elise Osenga, Michael A. Palecki, Thierry Pellarin, George P. Petropoulos, Isabella Pfeil, Jarrett Powers, Alan Robock, Christoph Rüdiger, Udo Rummel, Michael Strobel, Zhongbo Su, Ryan Sullivan, Torbern Tagesson, Andrej Varlagin, Mariette Vreugdenhil, Jeffrey Walker, Jun Wen, Fred Wenger, Jean Pierre Wigneron, Mel Woods, Kun Yang, Yijian Zeng, Xiang Zhang, Marek Zreda, Stephan Dietrich, Alexander Gruber, Peter van Oevelen, Wolfgang Wagner, Klaus Scipal, Matthias Drusch, and Roberto Sabia
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 5749–5804,,, 2021
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Short summary
The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) is a community-based open-access data portal for soil water measurements taken at the ground and is accessible at Over 1000 scientific publications and thousands of users have made use of the ISMN. The scope of this paper is to inform readers about the data and functionality of the ISMN and to provide a review of the scientific progress facilitated through the ISMN with the scope to shape future research and operations.
Yves Tramblay, Nathalie Rouché, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Jean-François Boyer, Ernest Amoussou, Ansoumana Bodian, Honoré Dacosta, Hamouda Dakhlaoui, Alain Dezetter, Denis Hughes, Lahoucine Hanich, Christophe Peugeot, Raphael Tshimanga, and Patrick Lachassagne
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1547–1560,,, 2021
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Short summary
This dataset provides a set of hydrometric indices for about 1500 stations across Africa with daily discharge data. These indices represent mean flow characteristics and extremes (low flows and floods), allowing us to study the long-term evolution of hydrology in Africa and support the modeling efforts that aim at reducing the vulnerability of African countries to hydro-climatic variability.
Stéphane Ecrepont and Christophe Cudennec
Proc. IAHS, 383, 129–134,,, 2020
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Short summary
The sensitivity of a geomorphology-based hydrological modelling is evaluated according to four DEMs from 5 m to 50 m resolution in Brittany, France. A set of 8 basins (5–565.7 km2) is used in a pseudo-ungauged context to explore the potential of Prediction in Ungauged Basin (PUB). The results show that a coarse-worldwide DEM such as SRTM (25 m) supported similar performances than the finer one available from the French mapping institute.
Fatima Hara, Mohammed Achab, Anas Emran, and Gil Mahe
Proc. IAHS, 383, 159–162,,, 2020
Ali Hadour, Gil Mahé, and Mohamed Meddi
Proc. IAHS, 383, 61–68,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The downward of rainfall trend occurred in the study area in 1972, affecting a few coastal stations. In 1976, this decline extended to the South West and throughout the coastal region. In 1980, the drop covered the entire basin. This decline has resulted in an estimated deficit of 30 % on average in the eastern region, the coastal region and the Mina. However, the central part of the basin experienced a 20 % decrease compared to the period before the break (1968–1980).
Domiho Japhet Kodja, Arsène J. Sègla Akognongbé, Ernest Amoussou, Gil Mahé, E. Wilfrid Vissin, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, and Constant Houndénou
Proc. IAHS, 383, 163–169,,, 2020
Zhongbo Yu, Chunhui Lu, Jianyuan Cai, Dazheng Yu, Gil Mahe, Anil Mishra, Christophe Cudennec, Henny A. J. Van Lanen, Didier Orange, and Abou Amani
Proc. IAHS, 383, 3–4,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The 8th Global FRIEND conference highlighted the advance in hydrological science and innovation in water management. 52 accepted papers cover study areas in precipitation and climate impact; observation, analysis and simulations of hydrologic processes; floods in the changing environments; drought monitoring and analysis; water resources and environmental impacts. The outcome of the conference presented in the proceedings will be shared and discussed widely among UNESCO IHP networks.
Britta Schmalz, Stephan Dietrich, and João L. M. P. de Lima
Adv. Geosci., 48, 49–51,,, 2019
Nevil Quinn, Günter Blöschl, András Bárdossy, Attilio Castellarin, Martyn Clark, Christophe Cudennec, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Upmanu Lall, Lubomir Lichner, Juraj Parajka, Christa D. Peters-Lidard, Graham Sander, Hubert Savenije, Keith Smettem, Harry Vereecken, Alberto Viglione, Patrick Willems, Andy Wood, Ross Woods, Chong-Yu Xu, and Erwin Zehe
Proc. IAHS, 380, 3–8,,, 2018
Nevil Quinn, Günter Blöschl, András Bárdossy, Attilio Castellarin, Martyn Clark, Christophe Cudennec, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Upmanu Lall, Lubomir Lichner, Juraj Parajka, Christa D. Peters-Lidard, Graham Sander, Hubert Savenije, Keith Smettem, Harry Vereecken, Alberto Viglione, Patrick Willems, Andy Wood, Ross Woods, Chong-Yu Xu, and Erwin Zehe
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 5735–5739,,, 2018
Youssouph Sane, Geremy Panthou, Ansoumana Bodian, Theo Vischel, Thierry Lebel, Honore Dacosta, Guillaume Quantin, Catherine Wilcox, Ousmane Ndiaye, Aida Diongue-Niang, and Mariane Diop Kane
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1849–1866,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Urbanization, resulting from a sharply increasing demographic pressure and the development of infrastructure, has made the population of many tropical areas more vulnerable to extreme rainfall hazards. Characterizing extreme rainfall distribution is thus becoming an overarching need in hydrological applications. Using 14 tipping-bucket rain-gauge series, this study provides IDF curves and uncertainties over Senegal. Climate change requires warning end-users that they should be used with care.
Thouraya Benmoussa, Oula Amrouni, Laurent Dezileau, Gil Mahé, and Saâdi Abdeljaouad
Proc. IAHS, 377, 77–81,,, 2018
Ernest Amoussou, Henri S. Totin Vodounon, Expédit W. Vissin, Gil Mahé, and Marc Lucien Oyédé
Proc. IAHS, 377, 91–96,,, 2018
Fatma Kotti, Laurent Dezileau, Gil Mahé, Hamadi Habaieb, Malik Bentkaya, Claudine Dieulin, and Oula Amrouni
Proc. IAHS, 377, 67–76,,, 2018
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Short summary
This study was designed to prove that the coastal changes of the Gulf of Tunis are mainly driven by the changes of the hydrological regime of the Medjerda river due to dams. We sampled cores of sediments in the low valley just before the sea, and analyzed them. They show the dramatic reduction of sediment supply after 1981, date of construction of the largest dam of Sidi Salem, and the disappearance of sand in the fluvial sediments.
Gil Mahe, Kate Heal, Akhilendra B. Gupta, and Hafzullah Aksoy
Proc. IAHS, 377, 1–1,,, 2018
Kenza Khomsi, Gil Mahe, Yves Tramblay, Mohamed Sinan, and Maria Snoussi
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1079–1090,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
The study investigates trends in mean and extreme rainfall, run-off, temperature and their relationship with large-scale atmospheric circulation. It focuses on two Moroccan watersheds; Bouregreg and Tensift, using data from 1977 to 2003. Results do not show a homogeneous behaviour in the catchments; the influence of the large-scale atmospheric circulation is different and a clear spatial dependence of the trend analysis is linked to the distance from the coast and the mountains.
Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Günter Blöschl, András Bárdossy, Christophe Cudennec, Denis Hughes, Alberto Montanari, Insa Neuweiler, and Hubert Savenije
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1081–1084,,, 2016
S. Taibi, M. Meddi, and G. Mahé
Proc. IAHS, 369, 175–180,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
Cette étude vise à analyser les tendances des pluies extrêmes dans un bassin semi-aride du Nord de l’Algérie et leur relation avec les types de circulation atmosphérique. Les pluies totales et l’intensité journalière ont connu une baisse significative durant la période 1971-2010 montre des tandis que leur fréquence ne montre pas de changement significatif.
L’oscillation méditerranéenne est le type de circulation qui influence la variabilité des pluies extrêmes du bassin du Chéliff
H. Boudhraâ and C. Cudennec
Proc. IAHS, 369, 169–173,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
Retrospective forensics of the 1969 extreme hydrometeorological events in Tunisia – Tunisia experienced extreme rainfall-flood events in September and October 1969. These events have been gauged and reconstituted in such a detailed manner that they are now the best known extreme events in Maghreb. The retrospective forensics of these events are much valuable not only in terms of hydrological and geomorphological knowledge, but also in terms of actual and future water and infrastructure.
S. Dietrich, M. Werner, T. Spangehl, and G. Lohmann
Clim. Past, 9, 13–26,,, 2013
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Short summary
This short paper is the preface of the PIAHS volume of the IAHS/UNESCO FRIEND-Water conference of Cotonou in November 2021.
This short paper is the preface of the PIAHS volume of the IAHS/UNESCO FRIEND-Water conference...