Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Use of the HEC RAS model for the analysis of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin

Ernest Amoussou, Félix Toundé Amoussou, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Henri Sourou Totin Vodounon, Constant Houndénou, Valérie Borrell Estupina, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Christophe Cudennec, and Michel Boko

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Cited articles

Amoussou, E., Camberlin, P., Totin Vodounon, S. H., Tramblay, Y., Houndenou, C., Mahé, G., and Boko, M.: Evolution des précipitations extrêmes dans le bassin-versant du Mono (Bénin – Togo) en contexte de la variabilité et de changement climatique, in: Climat: Système & Interactions 27éme Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, Dijon, France, 331–337, ISBN 978-2-907696-20-3, 2014. 
Bani, G.: Monographie de la commune de Bonou, Afrique conseil, 25 p., (last access: March 2019), 2006. 
Degan, B. A., Gbaguidi, V., Karambiri, H., Alamou, E., and Afouda, A. A.: Impact de la variabilité climatique sur l’évolution des crues du fleuve Ouémé au Bénin de 1952 à 2011, EPAC/UAC, Benin, 204 p., (last access: March 2019), 2019. 
DG-Eau: Carte hydrogéologique du Bénin: Echelle 1: 500000, Rapport de recherche sur la carte hydrogéologique du Bénin, Ministère des Mines, de l'Energie et de l'Eau, République de Bénin, 2012. 
FAO: Climate change and Food security: a Framework for Action, Rome, conference de Bali, 78 p., (last access: March 2019), 2008. 
Short summary
The objective is to assess the causes of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin using the HEC-RAS model. The results of the calculation made it possible to characterize: the losses and damage due to human settlement on the banks and agricultural production in the flood zone, the flooded extent and the height of submersion depend on the return period, most of the Flood waters converge towards the west of the basin (low risk) and towards the east around the Damè-Wogon depression (high risk).