Articles | Volume 384
Pre-conference publication
16 Nov 2021
Pre-conference publication |  | 16 Nov 2021

Changement climatique dans le bassin versant de l'Ogooué : évolution récente et impact sur les écoulements

Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou

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Impact de la variabilité climatique et de l'anthropisation sur les écoulements de la Bénoué (nord Cameroun)
Valentin Brice Ebodé, Gil Mahé, and Ernest Amoussou
Proc. IAHS, 384, 261–267,,, 2021
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The objective of this article is to assess recent trends of hydroclimatic quantities in Ogooue basin in the context of climate change. For this, the rainfall and discharges data of this basin were analyzed using the Pettitt test. The results of this study reveal a statistically significant decrease in runoff that the Pettitt test situates in 1972–73, but nothing like that for rainfall at this same time scale.