Articles | Volume 384
Pre-conference publication
16 Nov 2021
Pre-conference publication |  | 16 Nov 2021

Multiyear rainfall variability in the Mono river basin and its impacts on Nangbeto hydropower scheme

Salomon Obahoundje, Ernest Amoussou, Marc Youan Ta, Lazare Kouakou Kouassi, and Arona Diedhiou

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Using of hydrological model and geospatial tool to assess climate change impact on the hydropower potential of the White Bandama watershed in Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa)
Koffi Claude Alain Kouadio, Siélé Silué, Ernest Amoussou, Kouakou Lazare Kouassi, Arona Diedhiou, Talnan Jean Honoré Coulibaly, Salomon Obahoundjé, Sacré Regis Didi, and Houebagnon Saint Jean Coulibaly
Proc. IAHS, 385, 39–45,,, 2024
Short summary

Cited articles

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