Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Understanding the dynamic behaviour for the Madrid aquifer (Spain): insights from the integration of A-DInSAR and 3-D groundwater flow and geomechanical models

Roberta Bonì, Claudia Meisina, Pietro Teatini, Francesco Zucca, Claudia Zoccarato, Andrea Franceschini, Pablo Ezquerro, Marta Béjar-Pizarro, José A. Fernández-Merodo, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, José L. Pastor, Roberto Tomás, and Gerardo Herrera

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Ground motion areas detection (GMA-D): an innovative approach to identify ground deformation areas using the SAR-based displacement time series
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Cited articles

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Béjar-Pizarro, M., Ezquerro, P., Herrera, G., Tomás, R., Guardiola-Albert, C., Hernández, J. M. R., Fernández Merodo, J. A., Marchamalo, M., and Martínez, R.: Mapping groundwater level and aquifer storage variations from InSAR measurements in the Madrid aquifer, Central Spain, J. Hydrol., 547, 678–689, 2017. 
Bonì, R., Cigna, F., Bricker, S., Meisina, C., and McCormack, H.: Characterisation of hydraulic head changes and aquifer properties in the London Basin using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry ground motion data, J. Hydrol., 540, 835–849, 2016. 
Burbey, T. J.: Use of time-subsidence data during pumping to characterize specific storage and hydraulic conductivity of semiconfining units, J. Hydrol., 281, 3–22, 2003. 
Short summary
The potential of the integrated use of A-DInSAR data and 3D groundwater flow and geomechanical models to capture and assess aquifer dynamics is performed. The approach has been applied to investigate the response during and after pumping of a portion of the Madrid aquifer. The short time delay (about one month) between the groundwater pumping and the system response (land displacements) are likely due to a minor role played by the clayey layers.