Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Trend analysis of reference evapotranspiration and climate variables in the main hydrosystems of Senegal: Senegal, Gambia and Casamance River Basins

Papa Malick Ndiaye, Ansoumana Bodian, Serigne Bassirou Diop, Lamine Diop, Alain Dezetter, Andrew Ogilvie, and Koffi Djaman

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Evaluation and calibration of alternative methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration in the main hydrosystems of Senegal: Senegal, Gambia and Casamance River Basins
Ansoumana Bodian, Papa Malick Ndiaye, Serigne Bassirou Diop, Lamine Diop, Alain Dezetter, Andrew Ogilvie, and Koffi Djaman
Proc. IAHS, 385, 415–421,,, 2024
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The analyze of the trends of ET0 at the scale of the Senegal, Gambia and Casamance river basins using reanalyze data of NASA/POWER over 1984–2019 shows that ET0 increases significantly in 32% of the Senegal basin and decreases in less than 1% of it. In the Casamance and Gambia basins, the annual ET0 drops by 65% and 18%, respectively. Temperature and relative humidity show an increasing trend over all basins while wind speed and radiation decrease, confirming the so-called "evaporation paradox".