Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Flood monitoring system in the Dakar agglomeration (Senegal)

Laurent Pascal Diémé, Christophe Bouvier, Ansoumana Bodian, and Alpha Sidibé

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Modelling urban stormwater drainage overflows for assessing flood hazards: application to the urban area of Dakar (Senegal)
Laurent Pascal Malang Diémé, Christophe Bouvier, Ansoumana Bodian, and Alpha Sidibé
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1095–1112,,, 2025
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
This study aims at proposing a modelling of flows and overflows of structures at fine resolution (5 m) for rainfall intensities of different return periods. The overflow points of the network are identified by the difference between the maximum flow and the capacity of the network to evacuate floods. The results of the simulations show that the drainage network appears to be overflowing for rare frequency rainfall events (100 years). The method seems adaptable to different contexts.