Articles | Volume 374
17 Oct 2016
 | 17 Oct 2016

Developing new scenarios for water allocation negotiations: a case study of the Euphrates River Basin

Mohammad Reza Jarkeh, Ameneh Mianabadi, and Hojjat Mianabadi

Data sets

Water Issue Among the Riparian States of Euphrates and Tigris Transboundary Rivers G. Ibrahim, B. Sonmez, J. Bogardi, and S. Castelein

Transformations of Middle Eastern Natural Environments P. Beaumont

Short summary
In this paper we established a new method to choose the most appropriate allocating rule which seems to be more equitable and reasonable than other allocation rules to satisfy the riparian countries. To evaluate this new proposed method, we applied seven Classical Bankruptcy Rules (CBRs) and four Sequential Sharing Rules (SSRs) in allocating the Euphrates River water among three riparian countries: Turkey, Syria and Iraq.