Articles | Volume 386
Post-conference publication
04 Jul 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 04 Jul 2024

Flood risk management in planning and construction of city: the Guangzhou experience

Minyi Kuang, Yanyan Zheng, Xingdong Deng, Yukui Yang, Jingchen Wang, Xintian Sui, and Yuan Peng

Cited articles

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Short summary
Urban waterlogging disasters caused by rainstorm happened more frequently. The investigation and analysis of the historical waterlogging events of Guangzhou in the past 10 years showed that, the urban waterlogging has happened more frequently in lowland, hardening underlying surface and drainage system jacked by high water level. Guangzhou has innovatively delimited high-risk regions by watershed units, using Remote Sensing (RS) data and GIS data, which become the basis of flood risk management.