Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Uptake by end-users of a PUB approach made available as a Web Service

Tom Loree, Hervé Squividant, Josette Launay, Alban de Lavenne, and Christophe Cudennec

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Lack of robustness of hydrological models: A large-sample diagnosis and an attempt to identify the hydrological and climatic drivers
Léonard Santos, Vazken Andréassian, Torben O. Sonnenborg, Göran Lindström, Alban de Lavenne, Charles Perrin, Lila Collet, and Guillaume Thirel
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for HESS
Short summary
Use of the HEC RAS model for the analysis of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin
Ernest Amoussou, Félix Toundé Amoussou, Aymar Yaovi Bossa, Domiho Japhet Kodja, Henri Sourou Totin Vodounon, Constant Houndénou, Valérie Borrell Estupina, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Christophe Cudennec, and Michel Boko
Proc. IAHS, 385, 141–146,,, 2024
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Can we use indicator-based farm sustainability assessment tools for the WEFE Nexus?
Mohammad Merheb, Christophe Cudennec, and Fernando Nardi
Proc. IAHS, 385, 91–96,,, 2024
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On the visual detection of non-natural records in streamflow time series: challenges and impacts
Laurent Strohmenger, Eric Sauquet, Claire Bernard, Jérémie Bonneau, Flora Branger, Amélie Bresson, Pierre Brigode, Rémy Buzier, Olivier Delaigue, Alexandre Devers, Guillaume Evin, Maïté Fournier, Shu-Chen Hsu, Sandra Lanini, Alban de Lavenne, Thibault Lemaitre-Basset, Claire Magand, Guilherme Mendoza Guimarães, Max Mentha, Simon Munier, Charles Perrin, Tristan Podechard, Léo Rouchy, Malak Sadki, Myriam Soutif-Bellenger, François Tilmant, Yves Tramblay, Anne-Lise Véron, Jean-Philippe Vidal, and Guillaume Thirel
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 3375–3391,,, 2023
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Quantifying multi-year hydrological memory with Catchment Forgetting Curves
Alban de Lavenne, Vazken Andréassian, Louise Crochemore, Göran Lindström, and Berit Arheimer
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 2715–2732,,, 2022
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Cited articles

Bera, R., Squividant, H., Le Henaff, G., Pichelin, P., Ruiz, L., Launay, J., Vanhouteghem, J., Aurousseau, P., and Cudennec, C.: GéoSAS: A modular and interoperable Open Source Spatial Data Infrastructure for research, Proc. IAHS, 368, 9–14,, 2015. 
Blöschl, G., Sivapalan, M., Wagener, T., Viglione, A., and Savenije, H.: Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis across Processes, Places and Scales, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,, 2013. 
Boudhraâ, H., Cudennec, C., Slimani, M., and Andrieu H.: Hydrograph transposition between basins through a geomorphology-based deconvolution-reconvolution approach, IAHS Publ., 333, 76–83, 2009. 
Boudhraâ, H., Cudennec, C., Andrieu, H., and Slimani, M.: Net rainfall estimation by the inversion of a geomorphology-based transfer function and discharge deconvolution, Hydrolog. Sci. J., 63, 285–301,, 2018. 
Short summary
A scientific model to simulate river discharges in un-measured locations is made available via a service on the web for end-users. It is shown how this allows an increasing uptake by non-modelers, for the benefit of hydrological assessments and management.