Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Uptake by end-users of a PUB approach made available as a Web Service

Tom Loree, Hervé Squividant, Josette Launay, Alban de Lavenne, and Christophe Cudennec

Data sets

Portrail cartographique du projet SIMFEN 2.0 SIMFEN

Model code and software

transfR de Lavenne A., Loree T., Squividant S., and Cudennec C.

Short summary
A scientific model to simulate river discharges in un-measured locations is made available via a service on the web for end-users. It is shown how this allows an increasing uptake by non-modelers, for the benefit of hydrological assessments and management.