Articles | Volume 384
Pre-conference publication
16 Nov 2021
Pre-conference publication |  | 16 Nov 2021

Assessment of flood discharge sensitivity to climate indexes in West Africa

Jean Hounkpè, Djigbo F. Badou, Aymar Y. Bossa, Yacouba Yira, Julien Adounkpè, Eric A. Alamou, Emmanuel A. Lawin, Luc O. C. Sintondji, Abel A. Afouda, and Ernest Amoussou

Data sets

Linear Correlations in Atmospheric Seasonal/Monthly Averages NOAA, 2020 correlation/

Linear Correlations in Atmospheric Seasonal/Monthly Averages NOAA, 2020

Global-SST ENSO index JISAO, 2011 http://research.jisao.

Short summary
Floods are natural disasters that widely affect people, goods, and ecosystems. Some efforts have been made in predicting floods at a short-term range. However, the usefulness of flood prediction increases as the time lead increases. This work investigated covariates useful for flood prediction several months ahead. Very good relationships were found between flood discharge and some climate indexes which could serve as a basis for seasonal flood forecasting in West Africa.