Articles | Volume 378
Post-conference publication
29 May 2018
Post-conference publication |  | 29 May 2018

Water use dynamics of young and mature apple trees planted in South African orchards: a case study of the Golden Delicious and Cripps' Pink cultivars

Zanele Ntshidi, Sebinasi Dzikiti, and Dominic Mazvimavi

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The aim of this study was to quantify the water requirements of young and mature unstressed apple orchards. We also assess the impact of climate variables on transpiration rates. For mature trees, ‘Cripps’ Pink’ trees tend to use less water than ‘Golden Delicious’. This is because they tend to have more open canopies due to management practices. Transpiration was linearly related to the solar radiation, while the relationship between transpiration and VPD was non-linear.