Articles | Volume 369
11 Jun 2015
 | 11 Jun 2015

Extreme values of snow-related variables in Mediterranean regions: trends and long-term forecasting in Sierra Nevada (Spain)

M. J. Pérez-Palazón, R. Pimentel, J. Herrero, C. Aguilar, J. M. Perales, and M. J. Polo

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Rafael Pimentel, Carlo Marín, Ludovica De Gregorio, Mattia Callegari, María J. Pérez-Palazón, Claudia Notarnicola, and María J. Polo
Proc. IAHS, 380, 67–72,,, 2018
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Cited articles

Aguilar, C. and Polo, M. J.: Generating reference evapotranspiration surfaces from the Hargreaves equation at watershed scale, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2495–2508,, 2011.
Aguilar, C., Herrero, J., and Polo, M. J.: Topographic effects on solar radiation distribution in mountainous watersheds and their influence on reference evapotranspiration estimates at watershed scale, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2479–2494,, 2010.
Beniston, M.: Climatic change in mountain regions: a review of possible impacts, Climate Change, 59, 5–31, 2003.
DeWalle, D. and Rango, A.: Principles of snow hydrology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 428 pp., 2008.
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Short summary
Sierra Nevada National Park (South Spain) constitute a key monitoring point for climate variability and its impacts. This work presents the local trend analysis of weather variables at this area together with additional snow-related variables. The joint analysis of weather and snow variables showed a decrease trend in the extent and persistence of the snow covered area over the area. The precipitation regime seems to be the most relevant driver on the snow regime forcing in Mediterranean areas.