Articles | Volume 386
Post-conference publication
17 Jul 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 17 Jul 2024

Global experiences in flood management – perspectives through ICFM Webinar Series

Cheng Zhang and Wuxia Bi

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Short summary

Cited articles

Cao, Z.: Exploration of Water Management System Reform in the Dutch Room for the River Program, =2247495399&idx-=3&sn=5f63ddf94f85d6bf52fb7d680be656ed &chksm=96e78661a1900f7750f290f8d2af72de8e2254798eb424 870c8c104f0f69be0aa37d241bf5f1&scene=27 (last access: 19 July 2023), 2019. 
CRED: Human cost of disasters: An overview of the last 20 years (2000–2019), UN Office For Disaster Reduction, 2020. 
DOD: Other Agencies Release Climate Adaptation Progress Reports, (last access: 19 July 2023), 2022. 
Guangming Net: Global Ocean Salinity Differences Exacerbated, Water Cycle Accelerated: (last access: 19 July 2023), 2022. 
ICFM: The Flood Challenge to Resilience, (last access: 11 December 2023), 2020. 
Short summary
In the face of more frequent flooding events, countries have adopted a series of strategies and measures accordingly, specifically both in structual and non-structual way. In a word, flood management should follow the law of nature, applying the nature-based solutions, integrating green, blue and gray spaces within basins. Each river has its own “genes”, and there are no standardized flood management solutions, so optimization measures should be proposed as far as possible.