Articles | Volume 386
Post-conference publication
07 May 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 07 May 2024

Developing a flood monitoring system by utilizing real-time satellite rainfall estimates and water energy budget-based rainfall-runoff inundation model in West Africa

Abdul Wahid Mohamed Rasmy, Maksym Gusyev, Katsunori Tamakawa, Miho Ohara, and Toshio Koike

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Cited articles

Floodlist News in Africa: Breaking News 3 days ago – Guatemala – 25 000 Affected by Heavy Rain, Floods and Landslides West Africa – Floods Hit Burkina Faso and Northern Ghana, (last access: 22 April 2024), 8 September 2020.  
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Rasmy, M., Sayama, T., and Koike, T.: Development of Water and Energy Budget-based Rainfall Runoff-Inundation Model (WEB-RRI) and Its Verification in the Kalu and Mundeni River Basins, Sri Lanka, J. Hydrol., 579, 124163,, 2019. 
Rasmy, M., Yasukawa, M., Ushiyama, T., Tamakawa, K., Aida, K., Seenipellage, S., Hemakanth, S., Kitsuregawa, M., and Koike, T.: Investigations of Multi-Platform Data for Developing an Integrated Flood Information System in the Kalu River Basin, Sri Lanka, Water, 15, 1199,, 2023. 
Short summary
To support decision-makers in flood disaster management, a real-time flood monitoring system was established in the Niger and Volta basins under the Water disaster platform to enhance climate resilience in Africa (WADiRE-Africa). The system utilized real-time satellite rainfall data to bridge the gap between data scarcity and inaccessibility and a hydrological model to simulate the inundation extents at basin and hotspot scales. Presently, the prototype system is under testing in both basins.