Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Managed groundwater recharge at the farm scale in pre-Saharan Morocco

Yassine Khardi, Guillaume Lacombe, Benoit Dewandel, Abdelilah Taky, Jean-Christophe Maréchal, Ali Hammani, and Sami Bouarfa

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Dewandel, B., Lanini, S., Hakoun, V., Caballero, Y., and Maréchal, J.-C.: Artificial aquifer recharge and pumping: transient analytical solutions for hydraulic head and impact on streamflow rate based on the spatial superposition method, Hydrogeol. J., 29, 1009–1026,, 2021. 
Short summary
A 6400 m3 on-farm storage basin was built along a wadi in pre-Saharan Morocco to store floodwater for date palm irrigation. Its effect on the water table is confirmed by monitoring surface and groundwater levels and modeling the spatiotemporal variability of the recorded flood-induced piezometric mound. We show that beneficial replenishment of the water table is localized (radius < 360 m) and decreases over time due to the basin siltation reducing its storage capacity and permeability.