Articles | Volume 384
Pre-conference publication
16 Nov 2021
Pre-conference publication |  | 16 Nov 2021

Challenges of groundwater pollution and management in transboundary basins at the African scale

Issoufou Ouedraogo and Marnik Vanclooster

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Issoufou Ouedraogo and Marnik Vanclooster
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2353–2381,,, 2016
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The results of the study have shed light on the pollution problem of groundwater at the pan-African scale. We demonstrated the unambiguous link between population density (urban areas, agricultural activity) and pollution of groundwater. We showed that the machine learning techniques are promising for modelling groundwater degradation at the African scale because of its ability to provide meaningful analysis of nonlinear and complex relationships such as those found in hydrogeological studies.