Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Creep consolidation in land subsidence modelling; integrating geotechnical and hydrological approaches in a new MODFLOW package (SUB-CR)

Henk Kooi and Gilles Erkens


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Short summary
Creep of soft soils such as clays and peat are important in settlement caused by surface loads. By contrast, creep is not commonly considered in land subsidence driven by groundwater pumping. This is odd, because the subsidence involves the same types of soft soils. A new MODFLOW-2005 land subsidence package is introduced that includes creep. In an application to northern Jakarta it is shown amongst others that creep contributes to subsidence long after drawdown in pumped aquifers has stabilized