Articles | Volume 381
Post-conference publication
01 Aug 2019
Post-conference publication |  | 01 Aug 2019

Modelling future hydroclimatic effects on the Coregonus migratorius spawning migration in the Selenga River and Lake Baikal

Vsevolod Moreydo, Tatiana Millionshchikova, and Sergey Chalov

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Short summary
Specific fish species in the Lake Baikal, Coregonus migratorius, are spawning in the lake's tributaries, annualy migrating upstream. In the largest tributary, the Selenga river, the migration inversely depends on seasonal flow: the lower the discharge, the further upstream the fish can go. We explored the influence of climate change on the streamflow and on the subsequent fish migration distance, may result in spawning locations shift upstream, which is ecologically more favorable.