Articles | Volume 378
Post-conference publication
29 May 2018
Post-conference publication |  | 29 May 2018

Isotopic composition and elemental concentrations in groundwater in the Kuiseb Basin and the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia

Nnenesi A. Kgabi, Eliot Atekwana, Johanna Ithindi, Martha Uugwanga, Kay Knoeller, Lebogang Motsei, Manny Mathuthu, Gideon Kalumbu, Hilma R. Amwele, and Rian Uusizi


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Short summary
High salinity in the groundwater of Cuvelai-Etosha Basin is caused by the weathering of Kalahari sediments, not the evaporation of water on surface prior to groundwater recharge. Low salinity in the Kuiseb Basin derives from rapid recharge by unevaporated rain and limited weathering of the crystalline rocks. Thus, groundwater quality in the two Basins is controlled by water-rock interaction at the surface and in the groundwater aquifer.