Articles | Volume 378
Post-conference publication
29 May 2018
Post-conference publication |  | 29 May 2018

Parameter and input data uncertainty estimation for the assessment of water resources in two sub-basins of the Limpopo River Basin

Nadia Oosthuizen, Denis A. Hughes, Evison Kapangaziwiri, Jean-Marc Mwenge Kahinda, and Vuyelwa Mvandaba


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Short summary
Input data (and model parameters) are significant sources of uncertainty that should be quantified. In southern Africa, water use data are among the most unreliable sources of model input data because available databases generally consist of only licensed information and actual use is generally unknown. The study assesses how uncertainty impacts the estimation of surface water resources of the Mogalakwena and Shashe sub-basins when using the databases that are currently available.