Articles | Volume 377
16 Apr 2018
 | 16 Apr 2018

Satellite images survey for the identification of the coastal sedimentary system changes and associated vulnerability along the western bay of the Gulf of Tunis (northern Africa)

Abderraouf Hzami, Oula Amrouni, Gheorghe Romanescu, Cristian Constantin Stoleriu, Alin Mihu-Pintilie, and Abdeljaouad Saâdi


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Short summary
The aim of this study consists in testing the effectiveness of satellite data in order to monitoring shoreline and sedimentary features changes, especially the rapidly changing of Gulf of Tunis coast. The study area is located in the Gulf of Tunis western bay (Southern Mediterranean Sea) which is characterized by sandy beaches of Ghar Melah and Raoued (Medjerda Delta area). The aerial photographs and satellite imageries were 15 used for mapping the evolution of shoreline. Diachronic data.