Articles | Volume 377
16 Apr 2018
 | 16 Apr 2018

Sedimentation and Its Impacts/Effects on River System and Reservoir Water Quality: case Study of Mazowe Catchment, Zimbabwe

Colleta Tundu, Michael James Tumbare, and Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema

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A GIS-based estimation of soil erosion parameters for soil loss potential and erosion hazard in the city of Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo
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Manuscript not accepted for further review

Cited articles

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Chitata, T., Mugabe, F. T., and Kashaigili, J. J.: Estimation of Small Reservoir Sedimentation in Semi-Arid Southern Zimbabwe, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6, 48909, 12–14, 2014.
Short summary
Soil erosion result in the deposition of sediments into rivers and reservoirs. The sediments affect the water quality resulting in the treatment of the water being expensive. The sediments that are carried into the reservoir reduces the capacity of the dam. The reduction of water quality in Chimhanda dam as well as the increase in the cost of treatment of the water pushed the author to do a research.