Articles | Volume 375
03 Mar 2017
 | 03 Mar 2017

Evaluation of soil erosion rates in the southern half of the Russian Plain: methodology and initial results

Valentin Golosov, Artem Gusarov, Leonid Litvin, Oleg Yermolaev, Nelly Chizhikova, Guzel Safina, and Zoya Kiryukhina

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Reconstruction of long-term dynamics of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs in the Upa River using bottom sediments in the Scheckino reservoir and semi-empirical modelling
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Contemporary gully erosion trend in the northern part of the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Plain: a case study from the Republic of Tatarstan, European Russia
Aidar Sharifullin, Artur Gafurov, Regina Medvedeva, Valentin Golosov, Aleksandr Dvinskih, Artem Gusarov, and Benedict Essuman-Quainoo
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper describes the use of erosion model calculations and GIS spatial analytical methods for the evaluation of trends in erosion rates in the RP. Climate change, land use transformation and crop rotation modification are the main factors governing erosion rates in the region during recent decades.