Articles | Volume 372
12 Nov 2015
 | 12 Nov 2015

PSI-based methodology to land subsidence mechanism recognition

R. Bonì, C. Meisina, C. Perotti, and F. Fenaroli

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Cited articles

Benaglia, T., Chauveau, D., Hunter, D. R., and Young, D.: "mixtools": an R package for analyzing finite mixture models, J. Statist. Software, 32, 1–29, 2009.
Berti, M., Corsini, A., Franceschini, S., and Iannacone, J. P.: Automated classification of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry time series, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1945–1958,, 2013.
Ferretti, A., Fumagalli, A., Novali, F., Prati, C., Rocca, F., and Rucci, A.: A new algorithm for processing interferometric data-stacks: SqueeSAR. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 49, 3460–3470, 2011.
Notti, D., Calò, F., Cigna, F., Manunta, M., Herrera, G., Berti, M., Meisina, C., Tapete, D., and Zucca, F.: A User-Oriented Methodology for DInSAR Time Series Analysis and Interpretation: Landslides and Subsidence Case Studies, Pure Appl. Geophys., 1–25,, 2015.
Short summary
A methodology based on Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is proposed in order to disentangle the contribution of different processes that act at different spatio-temporal scales in land subsidence (i.e. vadose zone processes as swelling/shrinkage of clay soils, soil consolidation and fluid extraction). The methodology was applied in different Italian geological contexts characterized by natural and anthropic processes (i.e. a Prealpine valley and the Po Plain in northern Italy).