Articles | Volume 386
Post-conference publication
11 Jul 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 11 Jul 2024

Working Together on Civil-Engineering Structures within the Dutch Flood Protection Programme: challenges and opportunities

Ellen Tromp, Joost Breedeveld, Johan Apperloo, and Jaap Kottier

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Short summary

Cited articles

DFPP: Memo waterkerende kunstwerken binnen het HWBP: een definitie, 2016 (in Dutch). 
DFPP: Startnotitie POS Kunstwerken, report, 2018 (in Dutch). 
INFRAM: Aandachtspunten Kunstwerkroute (focus point civil-engineering structures roadmap), report, Project number: 21i861, version 2.0, Rapportage HWBP SK Kunstwerkroute_DEF.pdf (last access: 4 July 2024), 2021 (in Dutch). 
IV Infra: Inventarisatie kunstwerkenopgave Samenwerken aan Kunstwerken (Inventory scope civil-engineering structures), Reference INFR210556-R02 Revision: 1, Rapportage Inventarisatie kunstwerkopgave_rev1.pdf (last access: 4 July 2024), 2021 (in Dutch). 
Jorissen, R., Kraaij, E., and Tromp, E.: Dutch flood protection policy and measures based on risk assessment, in: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016), Lyon, France, 17–21 October 2016, (last access: 4 July 2024), 2016. 
Short summary
Over 400 civil-engineering structures, e.g. sluices, culverts, pumping stations are listed within the Dutch Flood Protection Programme. In the next 3 decades, these structures must be strengthened to meet the Dutch statutory standards. Within an innovation project the regional water authorities, Rijkswaterstaat, research institutes and consultancy agencies joint forces to overcome barriers and obstacles. To stimulate action and collaborative learning, we adopted a learning-while-doing strategy.