Articles | Volume 386
Post-conference publication
19 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 19 Apr 2024

Attributing weather patterns to Davao River extreme rainfall from Reanalysis and GCM

Ralph Allen Acierto, Tomoki Ushiyama, and Toshio Koike

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Assessment of flood damage to agricultural crops under climate change scenarios using MRI-AGCM outputs in the Solo River basin of Indonesia
Badri Bhakta Shrestha, Mohamed Rasmy, Tomoki Ushiyama, Ralph Allen Acierto, Takatoshi Kawamoto, Masakazu Fujikane, Hiroyuki Ito, and Takafumi Shinya
Proc. IAHS, 386, 127–132,,, 2024
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The study evaluated how well a GCM can reproduce the past weather patterns linked to the heavy rainfall events in Davao river basin by using raingauge and ERA5 data as reference. Our findings show that MRI-AGCM 3.2S reproduced similar weather patterns in JJA and DJF seasons as compared to ERA5 but due to small differences in configuration lead to biases in the local rainfall. This method can be also applied to other river basins and for evaluating how the future local rainfall will change.