Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
19 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 19 Apr 2024

Analyzing the Effects of Climate Change for the Water Tower of Mesopotamia, Türkiye​​​​​​​

Gokcen Uysal, Yusuf Ogulcan Dogan, Huseyin Soykan Civelek, Ali Arda Sorman, and Aynur Sensoy

Cited articles

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Short summary
Climate change drastically threatens water supply systems and ecosystems, especially in snow dominated water towers that maintain water demands downstream. This study is conducted at the most upstream part of the water tower Mesopotamia in the Eastern mountainous part of Turkey. The study plays an important role in understanding how the increasing temperature and changing precipitation pattern will affect water cycle in these regions and will help us to take necessary actions.