Articles | Volume 385
Post-conference publication
18 Apr 2024
Post-conference publication |  | 18 Apr 2024

Rainfall risk over the city of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire): first contribution of the joint analysis of daily rainfall from a historical record and a recent network of rain gauges

Christian Yao, Modeste Kacou, Ehouman Serge Koffi, Amidou Dao, Clément Dutremble, Maurice Guilliod, Bamory Kamagaté, Jean-Louis Perrin, Christian Salles, Luc Neppel, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Eric Pascal Zahiri, and Luc Séguis

Data sets

Daily rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d’Ivoire) (2015-) É. Zahiri, L. Séguis, M. Kacou, B. Kamagaté, A. Dao, J.-L. Perrin, S. E. Koffi, and M. Guilliod

Short summary
Rainfall causes material damage and human losses in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, every year. This study shows that the period of the 60 wettest days of the long rainy season is more exposed to the risk of flooding than the rest of the year because the rains are more spatially extensive and heavier. The increase in the number of floods in recent years is probably due to the recovery of rainfall after the drought of the 80s associated with the sharp increase in urbanization of the District.