Articles | Volume 384
Pre-conference publication
16 Nov 2021
Pre-conference publication |  | 16 Nov 2021

The UNESCO FRIEND-Water program: accelerates, shares and transfers knowledge and innovation in hydrology across the world in the frame of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Program (IHP)

Gil Mahé, Gamal Abdo, Ernest Amoussou, Telesphore Brou, Stephan Dietrich, Ahmed El Tayeb, Henny van Lanen, Mohamed Meddi, Anil Mishra, Didier Orange, Thi Phuong Quynh Le, Raphael Tshimanga, Patrick Valimba, Santiago Yepez, Andrew Ogilvie, and Oula Amrouni


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Short summary
The FRIEND-Water program (FWP) is the oldest and the most transverse program within the UNESCO IHP. It allows large communities of hydrologists to collaborate across borders on common shared data and scientific topics, addressed through 8 large world regions. Research priorities evolve according to the projections given by the member States during the IHP councils. FWP further activities follow the IHP IX program with the support of the Montpellier UNESCO Category II Center ICIREWAD.