Articles | Volume 383
Post-conference publication
16 Sep 2020
Post-conference publication |  | 16 Sep 2020

Evolution of Urban Flooding in China

Dianyi Yan, Jiahong Liu, Weiwei Shao, and Chao Mei

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Cited articles

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Effects of impervious surfaces on streamflow, U.S. Geological Survey, available at:, last access: 2017. 
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Huang, J.: The influence of climate change like flooding on urban roads drainage and the measures, Urban Construction Theory Research, 28, 1–4, 2013. 
Short summary
With the rapid development of cities in China, urban flooding becomes a growing problem, which not only affect the living quality of the public, but also threatens urban safety. Recently, urban flooding is attached more attention. By analyzing and summarizing urban flooding data from recent decades, which includes frequency, scope of influence, and losses, the causes and status quo of urban flooding problems in China is generalized.