Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Investigating the effectiveness of drain infiltration to minimize peat oxidation in agricultural fields in Flevoland, the Netherlands

Frouke Hoogland, Arjen S. Roelandse, Beatriz de La Loma González, Maarten J. Waterloo, Perry W. Mooij, Sabine A. Verhagen, and Jouke Velstra


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Short summary
Land subsidence is an issue in the Dutch polders. A measure to reduce peat degradation involves infiltration of water into tile-drains to maintain higher summer water levels in agricultural fields in Flevoland. The measure kept the peat moist in dry summer periods on condition that the peat layer extended below tile-drain depth. Reduced peat degradation occurred as evidenced from soil water chemistry. Microbial analysis suggested that nitrate reduction was the main driver of peat degradation.