Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Pressurized drainage can effectively reduce subsidence of peatlands – lessons from polder Spengen, the Netherlands

Jantine Hoekstra, Annette van Schie, and Henk A. van Hardeveld

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Integrated impact assessment of adaptive management strategies in a Dutch peatland polder
Henk van Hardeveld, Harm de Jong, Maxim Knepflé, Thijs de Lange, Paul Schot, Bas Spanjers, and Sven Teurlincx
Proc. IAHS, 382, 553–557,,, 2020
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
Reducing soil subsidence caused by peat oxidation is a major challenge in the Dutch peatlands. To maintain suitable conditions for dairy farming water levels are periodically lowered to keep pace with soil subsidence. Consequently, soil subsidence continues, causing increasing water management costs. We experimented with pressurized drainage in Polder Spengen, a peatland polder in the west of the Netherlands that is primarily used for dairy farming.