Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Determination of amount of land subsidence based on INSAR and LiDAR monitoring for a dike strengthening project

Michel de Koning, Jacco K. Haasnoot, Rob R. van Buuren, Marco Weijland, and Cor Bisschop


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Short summary
For the dike strengthening project KIJK a study has been undertaken to optimize the amount of subsidence. Based on archive information originally a subsidence rate of 11 mm/year is used in the design calculations. This means that for a 50-year period an additional 0.55 m must be considered which does not comply with the macro-stability problems of the dike. Based on INSAR and LiDAR measurement data and reanalysing the archive data, the rate of subsidence is determined at an average of 8 mm/year.