Articles | Volume 382
Pre-conference publication
22 Apr 2020
Pre-conference publication |  | 22 Apr 2020

Effect of brine injection into shallow formation on land subsidence in the Southern Kanto gas field, in Japan

Kenjiro Kawano, Hiroshi Iwamoto, Daisuke Murai, Takahiro Egami, Tatsuo Shimamoto, Yuji Hayashi, and Tsutomu Nakagawa


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Short summary
We plan to construct in situ formation deformation monitoring wells for shallow formation. In the pilot test, production and injection will be conducted to make the formation deform. Based on the result of the pilot test, we will investigate whether the compaction behavior was perfectly elastic or not. In the future, we would like to select the suitable constitutive equation for this gas field based on the obtained data and construct a prediction methodology to control subsidence.