Articles | Volume 379
Pre-conference publication
05 Jun 2018
Pre-conference publication |  | 05 Jun 2018

Continental and marine surficial water – groundwater interactions: the case of the southern coastland of Venice (Italy)

Luigi Tosi, Cristina Da Lio, Pietro Teatini, Antonio Menghini, and Andrea Viezzoli

Data sets

Piattaforma Web-Gis delle Banche Dati del Servizio Geologia, Difesa del Suolo e Tutela del Territorio Città Metropolitana Venezia pagina=1&id=banca_dati_idrogeologica

Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale

Carta geologica scala 1:10.000 - Venezia, Chioggia Malamocco Regione del Veneto

Short summary
We have depicted the continental and marine surficial water–groundwater interactions in a large portion of the coastland encompassing the southern Venice lagoon and the northern Po river delta. The saltwater-fresh water transition zone is very irregularly-shaped and mainly depends on the morphologic setting and the subsoil architecture. An over-consolidated Pleistocene clay layer and buried Holocene sandy paleo-channels and paleo-ridge systems controlled the saltwater-fresh water exchanges.