Articles | Volume 378
Post-conference publication
29 May 2018
Post-conference publication |  | 29 May 2018

Spatio-temporal variations of hydrochemical and isotopic patterns of groundwater in hand-dug wells: the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia

Josefina Tulimevava Hamutoko, Heike Wanke, Matthias Beyer, Marcel Gaj, and Paul Koeniger


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Short summary
The key finding was that groundwater chemistry of perched aquifers is controlled by dissolution of carbonate or evaporitic minerals, silicate weathering and ion exchange and stable isotopes signify recent recharge. Spatial and temporal variations indicate that groundwater from perched aquifers are chemically different reflecting the aquifer lithologies and hydrological landscape thus groundwater management practices should always be designed taking into account these specific characteristics.