Articles | Volume 376
01 Feb 2018
 | 01 Feb 2018

An integrated approach to improving rural livelihoods: examples from India and Bangladesh

Barry Croke, Wendy Merritt, Peter Cornish, Geoffrey J. Syme, and Christian H. Roth

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Cited articles

Cornish, P., Croke, B., Kumar, S., and Karmakar, D.: Water harvesting and better cropping systems for smallholders of the East India Plateau, Final report for LWR/2002/100, available at: (last access: 15 September 2017), 2013.
Cornish, P. S., Choudhury, A., Kumar, A., Das, S., Kumbakhar, K., Norrish, S., and Kumar, S.: Improving crop production for food security and improved livelihoods on the East India Plateau II, Crop options, alternative cropping systems and capacity building, Agr. Syst., 137, 180–190,, 2015a.
Cornish, P. S., Karmakar, D., Kumar, A., Das, S., and Croke, B.: Improving crop production for food security and improved livelihoods on the East India Plateau. I, Rainfall-related risks with rice and opportunities for improved cropping systems, Agricultural Systems, 137, 166–179,, 2015b.
Croke, B., Norrish, N., Kumar, A., Islam, A., Dey, P., Cornish, P., Kumar, S., Ghosh, J., Insights into catchment behaviour for water harvesting assessment in the East India Plateau, in: Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), edited by: Sànchez-Marrè, M., Béjar, J., Comas, J., Rizzoli, A. E., and Guariso, G., International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008, 1, 454–461, 2008.
Croke, B., Islam, A., and Cornish, P.: Hydrological data for Pogro study site, Purulia district, West Bengal, India, HydroShare,, 2017.
Short summary
Water and food security are vital for improving livelihoods in disadvantaged rural areas. Understanding the water cycle is central to the design of watershed development works intended to improve water security. Better farming practices can help improve food security. It is also vital for social constraints and equity to be considered. Finally, a participatory learning approach is useful for ensuring that watershed development work is effective in producing long-term improvement in livelihoods.