Articles | Volume 374
17 Oct 2016
 | 17 Oct 2016

Crystal balls into the future: are global circulation and water balance models ready?

Balázs M. Fekete, Giovanna Pisacane, and Dominik Wisser

Data sets

Bias corrected GCM input data for ISIMIP Fast Track. GFZ Data Services S. Hempel, K. Frieler, L. Warszawski, J. Schewe, and F. Piontek

The Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) downscaled climate forcing data European Network for Earth System Modeling (ENES)

Matsuura Climate Data (air temperature and precipitation} C. J. Willmott

The global water balance model results ISIMIP

The results of the European water balance model experiments P. van der Linden

WBMplus B. M. Fekete

Short summary
Variabilities and changes due to natural and anthropogenic causes in the water cycle always presented a challenge for water management planning. Practitioners traditionally coped with variabilities in the hydrological processes by assuming stationarity. Recently, this practice was questioned and more reliance on Global Circulation Models was put forward as an alternative. This paper takes a brief assessment of the state of Global Circulation Models (GCM) and their applications.