Articles | Volume 373
12 May 2016
 | 12 May 2016

Sustainable land and water management of River Oases along the Tarim River

Markus Disse

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Cited articles

Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A. H.: Yield Response to Water, Irrigation and Drainage Paper, FAO, Rome, Italy, 33, p. 257, 1979.
Keilholz, P., Disse, M., and Halik, Ü.: Effects of Land Use and Climate Change on Groundwater and Ecosystems at the Middle Reaches of the Tarim River Using the MIKE SHE Integrated Hydrological Model, Water, 7, 3040–3056,, 2015.
Yu, Y., Disse, M., Yu, R., Yu, G., Sun, L., Huttner, P., and Rumbaur, C.: Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling and Decision-Making for Agricultural Water Consumption and Allocation in the Main Stem Tarim River, China, Water, 7, 2821–2839,, 2015.
Short summary
The Tarim Basin in Xinjiang province in northwest China is characterized by a hyper arid climate. Climate change and a strong increase in agricultural land use are major challenges for sustainable water management. The largest competition for water resources exists between irrigated fields and natural riparian vegetation. The Sino-German project SuMaRiO provided a decision support system based on ecosystem services and will implement sustainable water management measures in the next 5-year plan.