Articles | Volume 372
12 Nov 2015
 | 12 Nov 2015

The Kabu-ido system: a pioneering solution for uncoordinated groundwater pumping in Japan

T. Endo

Cited articles

Bekki, A.: A geographical study of ring levees in Seino plain, Collections of essays on geography, 1, 230–282, 1932 (in Japanese).
Editorial committee of a history of Wanouchi town: A history of Wanouchi town, Dai-ichi Houki Shuppan, Tokyo, 1981 (in Japanse).
Editorial committee of growing Wanouchi: Growing Wanouchi, Wanouchi town, Gifu, 1996 (in Japanse).
Itoh, Y. and Aoki, N.: Ring levee, Gakuseisha, Tokyo, 1987 (in Japanese).
Katano, A.: The Kabu-ido in Fukuzuka and Takasu ring levees, Noubi culture, 1, 47–77, 1941 (in Japanese).