Articles | Volume 372
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Sinking coastal cities
G. Erkens
Deltares Research Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
T. Bucx
Deltares Research Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands
R. Dam
WaterLand Experts, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
G. de Lange
Deltares Research Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands
J. Lambert
Deltares Research Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands
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57 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025
Short summary
In many coastal and delta cities land subsidence now exceeds absolute sea level rise up to a factor of ten. The total worldwide damage of resulting increased floodrisk and structural damage to structures is estimated at billions of dollars annually. In this study a quick-assessment of subsidence is performed on mega-cities. Results of these case studies are presented and compared, and a (generic) approach how to deal with subsidence in current and future subsidence-prone areas is provided.
In many coastal and delta cities land subsidence now exceeds absolute sea level rise up to a...