Articles | Volume 372
12 Nov 2015
 | 12 Nov 2015

Subsidence at the "Trébol" of Quito, Ecuador: an indicator for future disasters?

T. Toulkeridis, D. Simón Baile, F. Rodríguez, R. Salazar Martínez, N. Arias Jiménez, and D. Carreon Freyre


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Short summary
Sinkholes in any areas may result deadly or costly. A sinkhole happen to be in a highly trafficked area in Quito, Ecuador. Besides the problems and additional costs of repair, we have found out during our study, that the costs of the people who had to pass this area had to pay much more than the "simple" reconstruction costs. A critical look on historic sinkholes in the central part of the city of Quito, allowed us to identify even huger problems to come in important areas of Quito.