Articles | Volume 371
12 Jun 2015
 | 12 Jun 2015

Land cover and climate change effects on streamflow and sediment yield: a case study of Tapacurá River basin, Brazil

J. Y. G. Santos, R. M. Silva, J. G. Carvalho Neto, S. M. G. L. Montenegro, C. A. G. Santos, and A. M. Silva

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Short summary
This study assesses the impact of the land use and climate changes between 1967−2008 on the streamflow and sediment yield in Tapacurá River basin (Brazil) using the SWAT model. The model was calibrated and validated. The results show that the land cover and climate change affected the basin hydrology, decreasing the streamflow and sediment yield. The process changes are arising mainly due to the land cover/use variability, but mainly due to the decreasing in the rainfall rates during 1995−2008.