Articles | Volume 370
11 Jun 2015
 | 11 Jun 2015

Decreasing flood risk perception in Porto Alegre – Brazil and its influence on water resource management decisions

D. G. Allasia, R. Tassi, D. Bemfica, and J. A. Goldenfum

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Cited articles

ABG Engenharia e Meio Ambiente: Avaliação do Sistema de Proteção contra Cheias do Município de Porto Alegre Considerando o Projeto de Revitalização do Cais Mauá, Porto Alegre, 2014.
Allasia, D., Fensterseifer, C. A., Collischonn, B., and Tassi, R.: TRMM Rainfall Assessment in the Upper Jacuí Basin – Southern Brazil, AWRA 2012 Spring Speciality Conference – GIS and Water Resources VII, 26–28 March 2012, New Orleans, USA, 2012.
Block, M.: Nova comporta do Muro da Mauá fecha só na oitava tentativa, Zero Hora, 19 January 2011, Porto Alegre, 2011.
Consórcio Ecoplan/Magna Engenharia: Estudos Hidrológicos – BR448, Porto Alegre, 2009.
Globo Magazine: Special edition about Porto Alegre Flood 1940–1941, Editora Globo, Porto Alegre, 1941.
Short summary
Porto Alegre lies within a river junction that has become an important alluvial port as well as a chief industrial and commercial centre. This strategic location resulted in severe damage by flooding. Consequently a complex system of levees and pump stations was implemented during 1960s and 70s. In recent years, the levees were severally criticized by city planners and population due to the false perception of lack of flood risk as since its construction, not a single large flood event occurred.